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1 min read

I’ve always had a love for handmade ceramics. I don’t know what it is about them, maybe it’s the connections between the clay and earth that make it feel special holding a cup, knowing it was moulded and shaped by hand. I love to support the makers, their creative process and the stories they have to tell and am so happy I have this platform to do just that.


For years I’ve owned what I call a weekend cup. It has to be different to the cups I use every day, it has to feel special, just like the weekend, it has to be one that I can comfortably wrap my hand around and unwind with. With that in mind, I’m always searching for beautiful mugs to add to Ruby Roost - everyone deserves a lovely weekend cup.


Earthy, natural tones always inspire me and this is what drew me in when I discovered Imre Bergmann’s work on Instagram. I’m drawn to her ceramics for the raw, natural and simple form her pieces take. The simple, minimalist character of her ceramics are a joy to use, they are tactile, making you slow down and pay attention to the details.
Imre Bergmann's collection really spoke to me and I Knew that her ceramics would be the perfect addition to the shop. There is definitely something special drinking from a vessel crafted by someone’s hands with care and dedication to the process. Their passion is infectious and so inspiring.
See more of By Imre Bergmann’s collection: click here




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